
Showing posts from September, 2024

Ready or Not

Life doesn’t wait for you to get ready; it moves whether you’re ready or not. So why not take control of what God has given you … faith without works is dead! We all have dreams, big ones—dreams that scare us,make us 'nercited,' and that’s a good thing. If your vision doesn’t shake you up a little, you’re playing small. And personally small is not my style. You didn’t come this far just to stay where you are. Every single step you’ve taken, every win, every failure, they’ve all been laying the groundwork for what’s next. The question is, are you willing to push a little harder, go a little further? Nobody’s gonna hand you the life you want. You gotta get up every single day, look in that mirror, and tell yourself, 'I’ve got this.' And yeah, it won’t always be smooth. It won’t always feel good. But growth doesn’t come from comfort; it comes from stretching beyond what you think you can do. It comes from those moments where you're unsure, where you feel like you’re st

Fight the urge to sleep in

We’ve all been there—hearing the alarm go off in the morning and feeling the pull of sleep holding us hostage under our warm blankets. The temptation to hit the snooze button just one more time can be overwhelming, especially when motivation seems to be at an all-time low. But here’s the secret: discipline, not motivation, is the key to getting out of bed and owning your day.   Motivation is great—when it’s there. It’s that initial spark of energy and excitement that pushes us toward a goal. But motivation is fleeting. It comes and goes, influenced by how we feel, what’s happening in our lives, and even the weather.   Discipline, on the other hand, is the reliable structure we build, regardless of how we feel. It’s the quiet force that kicks in when motivation fades, the steady hand guiding us toward success when our mood says otherwise. Discipline doesn’t rely on feelings; it thrives on routine and habit. Why is it so hard to get out of bed sometimes? Aside from the comfort of sleep,

Carpe Diem

As the week winds down and Friday arrives, I can’t help but reflect on all the blessings the Lord has given me. Each moment, whether big or small, holds significance. Today, I was reminded of something powerful:there is nothing too small to pray for.  It’s easy to think that only the big challenges deserve prayer, but God cares about every detail of our lives. When we bring even the smallest concerns to Him, we open the door for His grace to work in unexpected ways. It can be easy to take things for granted—the busy days blend together, and we forget to pause and appreciate the goodness around us. But today, I’m taking a moment to soak it all in: the simple joys, the answered prayers, the quiet moments of peace. Gratitude, it changes everything! It shifts our perspective from what we don’t have to what we’ve been blessed with. As the week comes to an end, it's not just about coasting into the weekend. Finishing the week with discipline is a choice—one that builds the foundation for

First Class Success

This week, I had the joy of leading my very first class, and I’m thrilled to say it went so well! It’s been an incredible experience to take this step and see people come together, moving and growing in their fitness journeys. I feel both encouraged and excited, knowing this is just the beginning. As I reflect on how well the class went, I’m also thinking about what’s next. There are so many possibilities and directions I could go, and honestly, I’m not quite sure where to focus yet. Whether it’s growing this class, exploring new opportunities, or expanding into something different, the path isn’t fully clear.  But here’s what I do know: I’m praying for God’s guidance. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” I’m leaning on that promise as I take the next steps, trusting that He will guide me exactly where I need to go. I’m excited for the future, knowing th


Have you ever felt nervous and excited all at once? It’s that flutter in your stomach, the buzzing in your mind when something new is just around the corner. I like to call it feeling “nercited.” It’s that perfect mix of nerves and excitement that hits right before stepping out of your comfort zone and into the unknown. We all face these moments—starting a new job, moving to a different city, or even starting a new fitness class. It’s so easy to stick to what we know, where it’s safe and predictable. But there’s a certain kind of magic in the unknown, where growth happens, where we become more than we ever thought possible. That’s where courage comes in. Courage isn’t about not feeling fear; it’s about feeling the fear and still choosing to move forward. We Need to develop a constant push to be better and to take action, even when we’d rather stay in our comfort zone. There are days when it feels like a battle against your own willpower. But the payoff? It’s incredible. You get to the

Press on

It’s easy to get discouraged on your fitness journey, especially when the progress seems slow or the results aren’t immediate. Maybe you’re hitting a plateau, feeling exhausted, or just finding it hard to stay motivated. But here’s the truth—fitness is so much more than the numbers on a scale or the weights you lift. It’s about the daily victories you don’t always see, the strength you build with each moment of effort, and the resilience that grows every time you press on. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been at this for a while, remember that every step, every rep, and every push brings you closer to your goals. Even when it feels hard, the effort is worth it. There’s power in consistency. You may not feel like you're changing day by day, but over time, your persistence will show—in your strength, endurance, and mindset. That’s what fitness truly is: a journey of growth, challenge, and transformation. The process may be slow, and the days may feel tough, but your future

Small Changes, Big Impact

Good morning and happy Sunday! There’s something about the slower pace of a Sunday morning that invites reflection. It’s a chance to breathe deeply, reset, and prepare for the week ahead. As we savor the quiet, let’s talk about something many of us strive for: balance in our health, fitness, and personal lives. Today, I want to share a simple concept — small, manageable changes can lead to significant, lasting transformations. Setting Goals That Feel Good One of the best ways to keep yourself moving forward is by setting goals. Not the kind that feel overwhelming or too distant, but achievable, bite-sized goals that you can celebrate along the way. Instead of diving into a massive fitness overhaul, consider making small shifts. Start with walking an extra 10 minutes a day, or adding one more serving of veggies to your plate at dinner. These small wins add up and build the foundation for long-term success.  Exercise: Moving with Intention We all know that movement is important, but it d

The Last Day of Being 39

It’s hard to believe, but today is the last day of being 39, and I find myself looking back on this past decade with so much gratitude. My 30s have been a whirlwind of change, growth, and discovery, and now, as I prepare to step into 40, I feel more excited than ever for what’s to come. One of the biggest things this year has been starting this “Get 5” business. After all of the dreaming, planning, and working through the challenges, it’s finally happening. This journey has pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me so much about patience, perseverance, and trusting the process. I’m stoked about what The Lord has allowed us to build so far, and I can’t wait to see where this new venture takes us.  I feel overwhelmingly blessed to share this journey with the people I love most—my incredible husband, James, and our three amazing daughters. James has been my rock through all the ups and downs, always supporting me, encouraging me, and believing in me when I’ve doubted myself. And our

Starting a New Chapter and Seeking God’s Will

Life is full of seasons—some familiar, some brand new, and some that push me out of my comfort zone.  I’m stepping into a new chapter with a fitness class called REM: Resistance, Endurance, and Mobility training. It’s not just another workout for me; it’s a step in faith, seeking God’s will, one foot in front of the other. I’ll be honest, I’m a bit scared but also deeply excited for what lies ahead. I’ve always believed that our physical health is tied to our spiritual well-being. Taking care of our bodies is an act of stewardship—honoring the vessel God has given us. So when I thought about REM, I knew it was more than just a workout program. It stood for something greater: the perseverance, strength, and endurance that we’re called to in every area of our lives.  Just like lifting weights helps build muscle through resistance, life’s challenges shape our character and faith. We endure hardships, push through discomfort, and keep moving forward, trusting that God is guiding our every

Happy New Year!!!

Embracing the New Year: Going Back to School with Purpose and Discipline As the school year kicks back into gear, there’s something uniquely refreshing about starting anew. The excitement in the air, paired with the promise of fresh opportunities, invigorates both students and mothers alike, but, if your like me, I have a tendency to run around all September flying by the seat of my pants, inspired and motivated, until I find myself at the end of November burnt out, and anxiously awaiting Christmas Break. I get alot done, in a short amount of time, but find myself at the end in a frenzy....It doesn't have to be that way!!! Setting Goals: Dream Big but Smart The first step in any successful journey is establishing clear, actionable goals. For mothers and their children, this means strategic planning: S.M.A.R.T. Goals : Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For instance, instead of saying, “I want my child to get better grades,” set a goal