
Have you ever felt nervous and excited all at once? It’s that flutter in your stomach, the buzzing in your mind when something new is just around the corner. I like to call it feeling “nercited.” It’s that perfect mix of nerves and excitement that hits right before stepping out of your comfort zone and into the unknown.

We all face these moments—starting a new job, moving to a different city, or even starting a new fitness class. It’s so easy to stick to what we know, where it’s safe and predictable. But there’s a certain kind of magic in the unknown, where growth happens, where we become more than we ever thought possible. That’s where courage comes in. Courage isn’t about not feeling fear; it’s about feeling the fear and still choosing to move forward.

We Need to develop a constant push to be better and to take action, even when we’d rather stay in our comfort zone. There are days when it feels like a battle against your own willpower. But the payoff? It’s incredible. You get to the end of the day knowing you’ve inched closer to your goals. The small wins add up, and over time, you build momentum, confidence, and resilience.

The best part? That feeling of “nercited” starts to transform. The nerves don’t disappear, but they evolve into a kind of excitement that fuels you. It becomes a signal that something great is about to happen, that you’re on the brink of something you never thought possible!

So, next time you’re standing on the edge of something new, embrace the “nercited” feeling. Know that it’s a sign of growth, and take it as an opportunity to live courageously, step into the unknown, and trust that every small action will lead you somewhere amazing.


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